As a Loper, you'll need a 体育菠菜大平台 ID card. Instead of waiting in line for your photo to be taken, you can submit it online. Here's how to take a photo:
Step 1: Check your camera format by following these instructions based on your phone type:
For iPhone– Go to Settings > Camera > Format > Most compatible
For Android – go to Settings > Apps > Camera > Camera Settings > Picture Formats > Disable High efficiency pictures
Step 2: Take your photo in a well-lit area with a white or off-white background. Stand close to the wall to reduce shadows, turn off overhead lighting to avoid glares, and face a light source like a window. Take a full head-to-shoulder photograph with no more space above the head or below the chin. Look straight at the camera and take a passport-style photo that meets the following requirements:
No professional/senior photos
No sunglasses unless for medical purposes
No headwear unless required for religious beliefs
Acceptable Photo
Step 3: Upload Photo with the GET™App
Now that you have a great photo, let’s get it uploaded by using the GET App.
Download the GET Mobile app in the Apple Store or the Play Store.
Select “University of Nebraska Kearney” as your institution.
Log in with your 体育菠菜大平台 credentials by using your full 体育菠菜大平台 email address (e.g., and TrueYou password (password used to login to MyBLUE).
If you don’t know your email address, login to MyBLUE and click Tools > LoperMail > click Profile circle (Account Manager) in top right corner. Your email will be displayed.
Once you are logged in to the GET App, click Settings and Upload or Update photo. You will receive an email notification if your photo is accepted or rejected.
Once school starts, you will use the GET App to keep track of meals and dining points. If you don’t live on campus, you can add funds called Loper Dollars to save 20% at all on-campus dining locations. Visit to learn more.
On-campus Students pick up your ID in the ID Card Office (Suite 142G in the Nebraskan Student Union). You must appear in person to obtain your identification card. Remember to bring photo identification, such as a driver’s license, passport or photo military ID.
Employees have two photo options for the 体育菠菜大平台 ID card. Follow the instructions above to upload a photo using the GET app, or have photo taken at the ID Card Office. Visit the ID Card Office (Suite 142G in the Nebraskan Student Union) to have the card printed at time of pick up. Remember to bring photo identification, such as a driver’s license, passport or photo military ID.
Online or Blended students do not pay ID card, activity and facility fees. Therefore, they are not eligible for a standard 体育菠菜大平台 ID card. However, some online students want a 体育菠菜大平台 ID card to receive discounts from local vendors, etc. These students can request a non-photo Distance 体育菠菜大平台 ID Card. The card will have a stock photo instead of a student photo and exclude the barcode, magnetic stripe, and iclass chip so that the card will not work in campus readers. A $10 fee will be assessed per card. To obtain a Distance ID Card request form by mail, email Heather Rhinehart and include your mailing address and NUID number.
Prepare to take your photo
Check your camera format:
iPhone – go to Settings > Camera > Format > Most compatible
Android – go to Settings > Apps > Camera > Camera Settings > Picture Formats > Disable High efficiency pictures
Choose picture location:
Background should be white or off-white. A white wall works great.
Stand close to the wall to minimize shadows.
Turn off overhead lighting to eliminate glares. It helps to face a light source (like an exposed window).
Full head to shoulder photograph, not too much space above the head or below the chin.
Look straight at the camera, snap your photo.
The photo should be passport-style and should resemble the sample photo below or it will be rejected.
Do not wear sunglasses unless for medical purposes
No headwear unless required due to religious beliefs.
Acceptable photo
Email photo as an attachment so it can be edited and cropped if needed. Email to include your NUID number).
If you were previously a 体育菠菜大平台 Student and would like us to use your existing photo, please let us know at the above email.
Care should be taken to protect your 体育菠菜大平台 ID Card as you would a debit card or any financial instrument.
Reporting your 体育菠菜大平台 ID Card as lost or stolen Lost or stolen cards should be immediately deactivated. This will place your Loper Dollars and meal plan funds on hold until a new card is issued. To deactivate your card, log in to the GET app, tap “settings” on the banner across the bottom of the app, then tap “report card as lost.” Lost or stolen cards can also be deactivated by calling 体育菠菜大平台 PD at (308) 865-8911. You must follow up with the ID Card Office to get a new ID card or to unlock your funds if you find your ID card prior to replacing it.
Replacing your lost or stolen 体育菠菜大平台 ID Card A non-refundable $10 fee is charged to replace a damaged, lost or stolen 体育菠菜大平台 ID Card. The University is not responsible for the use of a lost or stolen card. Pay $10 replacement fee
If you find a 体育菠菜大平台 ID Card Lost 体育菠菜大平台 ID Cards should be turned in to the 体育菠菜大平台 ID Card Office. We will email your LoperMail if your lost card is returned to us.
Retrieving your 体育菠菜大平台 ID Card To retrieve a lost 体育菠菜大平台 ID Card, you must show a valid photo ID, such as a government-issued ID, a military ID, or a passport. The document must contain a photograph. The name that appears on the document must match the name that is on your student or personnel record. We will issue the card only to you and no one else.